Tuesday 20 October 2009

Cast a Giant Shadow...

The dark shadow of democracy casts its corrupted gloom,
as the F16s arrive; speeding harbingers of doom;
leaving homeless bereaved parents, alone, to howl at the moon.

Governments justify their actions with lies; and another soldier dies.
lifeblood spilt and drying, on the Afghan plains, covered in feasting flies;
leaving bereaved loved ones at home, alone, to cry.

Fraudulent power lurks behind its’ respectable democratic façade,
and the lifeblood gets sucked out of Afghanistan and Iraq;
while rampant elected criminals tour, depositing their illegal mark.

But we can all sleep easy now; the latest pipeline deal is done,
rest assured, the supply is secure of that black gold; aka petroleum;
and Karzais’ brother is back, supplying the world with his opium.

Israeli tanks and bulldozers continue their illegal demolitions,
and GB Inc. continues to supply them with prohibited munitions;
peace and justice are still foreign words for ordinary Palestinians.

The refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank run dry of food and water,
while Jewish soldiers run amok carrying out their bloody, illegal slaughter;
and opposite, in the new Jewish fortresses? Pristine lawns get drenched with their succulent, ill-gotten water.

Israel continues to defy and ignore article 49 of the Geneva Convention,
torturing, killing and removing a legitimate Palestinian indigenous population;
pontificating from on high their fascist dogma and ‘need for the prevention of terrorism’

Apartheid is alive and well in that shining beacon of perverse democracy,
and has as its core the natural order of Jewish supremacy;
the status quo survives, because it’s key to American Middle East strategy.

Distorted Israeli intelligence is used to perpetuate the lie,
and politically passive soldiers continue to serve and die;
meanwhile the F16s, Apaches and Blackhawks are refuelled, rearmed, and fly.

How many people know that Israel is the worlds 5th largest nuclear power?
Or that Biological and chemical weapons are produced at Nes Ziona?
providing the poison to assassinate a democratically elected Hamas leader.

Prime Minister Blair, and his wife, criminal cohorts of the discredited Bush administration,
holiday first class in Israel, courtesy of the Israeli government, Lord Levy and Meyer, Gideon;
and the UN takes no action against the reviled murderer Ariel Sharon.

The 50 children killed in a basement in Qana know nothing of this,
just that Israel is once more smashing them with an iron fist;
as Levy is arrested, ‘cash for honours’ and unceremoniously cast adrift.

Blair is in San Francisco entreating News Corporation executives;
Murdoch’s in, what else would you expect from a billionaire Australian spiv;
his Sky News organisation always willing to promote the latest spin.

‘Arabs have the oil, but we have the matches’ boasted Sharon,
he means the ability to manufacture and deliver an arsenal of thermonuclear bombs;
as the Israelis deflect and defend weak western criticism with audacious aplomb.

Therein lies the rub as we contemplate the extension of the war into Pakistan,
our soldiers and friends will now have to die there, as well as in Afghanistan;
thanks to the need for oil, and all part of Americas new ‘Middle Eastern Marshall Plan’

As the oil and gas junta and their ‘Project for a new American Century’
Join forces with the neo-cons’ and the deleterious Zionist lobby;
along with the crazy baldheads, of the Fundamentalist Christian Majority.

Secular Arab and Moslem states self destruct in a maelstrom of religious hate;
So 'they' send our armies to subjugate the oil rich Middle Eastern States.
Nefarious politicians and their State sponsored terrorism?
The real barbarians at the gate...

Copyright © DC 2009

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